
The Solution

Pikaba is an ASP.NET MVC-based Social Shopping Platform that captures consumers’ intent to purchase and connects them with the right local business. The idea behind this Web 2.0 service is simple: it’s based on a reverse auction model where you post requests for any product or service, and merchants bid for your shopping needs. Pikaba is a unique classifieds site that uses people’s requests as a core feature of its search capabilities. Using .NET, ASP.NET, Ajax, MS SQL Server 2005 technologies our team has created a multifunctional, easy-to-use and fully-hosted social commerce solution, which can be adopted to any community or business needs. Pikaba platform comes with dozens of various features and a full-package administration panel which create unprecedented flexibility and functionality. Pikaba can serve not only as a social shopping website, but as a platform or mechanism, using which you can create your own marketplace. A marketplace can be customized to fit your business, community or other social group needs. It can be used as a basis for an online store or as a interactive directory, where community members could easily interact and reach out to one another. In 2008 Pikaba won the Mashable Open Web Award as the Best Social Shopping site.

Deals, E-commerce, Social Commerce, Social Framework, Website
Service Provided

  • Wireframes and interface design;
  • Website and server-side architecture and development;
  • Quality assurance;

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