The Solution

CBPM is an ASP.Net MVC3 web application developed by ABCloudz team for our client, which uses sophisticated business logic and innovative technology to ease the management of various projects and complex communication between all the sides involved. Written in jQuery this web app is accessible from different web browsers. Each project is broken down into 5 stages: Initiate, Populate, Flea Market, Validate and Manage. The complexity of the app for the most part lies in the business logics we used to create several user categories with different access and editing rights at each stage of the project. To ease the visualization of the big picture, our team has also developed the Deliverables Map. The map is technically complex, but very useful tool (shown in the picture), which allows to view the full project structure on a time scale. This tool has a Drag and Drop function, which simplifies the editing, and a magnifier or a Zoom option, which enables to review even the smallest steps of the project and make the necessary adjustments just by dragging the tasks along the timeline. CBPM is a great tool and will come in handy for any project management environment.

ASP.NET MVC Framework, Nhibernate
Business, Website
Service Provided

  • Architecture development;
  • Website and server-side development;
  • Quality assurance;

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