
We collaborated with Heavys, a specialized headphone manufacturer for Heavy Metal enthusiasts, to develop a seamless Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware update system for their headphones. These headphones provide precise sound rendering, enhanced by custom firmware for each model. Our task was to design and implement a solution that allows users to effortlessly update their headphone firmware using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and manage the update distribution via a web admin panel.

iOS, Android, Web
Bluetooth headphones, Smartphone
Tech stack
Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android), React, BLE, .NET 7, REST API, AWS EC2, Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL), Shopify API, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), OAuth, JWT
Scope of work
  • Ui/Ux design
  • iOS and Android application development
  • Web admin panel development
  • Backend and database architecture
  • Integration with Shopify API for user management
  • BLE protocol implementation
  • Quality assurance and deployment

The challenge

The client needed a robust system for distributing firmware updates over BLE to their specialized headphones. The solution had to:

  • Notify users about firmware updates and guide them through the update process.
  • Ensure smooth and secure Bluetooth pairing with headphones.
  • Provide an admin panel for managing firmware builds and distribution.
  • Integrate with Shopify to unify user data for product purchasers and app users.
  • Handle high data security standards, including GDPR compliance.

Additionally, the client required a scalable solution to accommodate future feature expansions and increased user base.

The solution

To address these challenges, we delivered a comprehensive ecosystem comprising mobile applications, a web admin panel, and a backend system:

Mobile Applications

Firmware Update Process
  • Users receive push notifications about available firmware updates.
  • The app guides users through the update process, using BLE to deliver firmware to the headphones.
  • Error handling includes retry options and clear feedback for connectivity or server issues.
User Management
  • Users register and log in via Shopify credentials.
  • Personal data, including user activity, can be exported in .json format.
  • Account deletion within the app affects only app data while retaining Shopify records.
Pairing Process
  • Simplified pairing flow with a guided setup.
  • Automatic detection of compatible headphones.
Equalizer customization
  • The mobile app features a six-band equalizer that allows users to customize their audio experience.
  • Each band controls gain levels, enabling fine-tuned sound adjustments.
  • On iOS, requests are queued and executed sequentially for stable performance.
  • On Android, additional delays were implemented to prevent device overload.
  • Volume adjustments initially exceeded legal limits, requiring gain control refinements.
  • The final implementation ensures compliance with regulations while preserving high-quality sound customization.
Web Admin Panel

The admin panel provides administrators with tools to:

  • Upload and manage firmware builds.
  • Sort and filter firmware by criteria like name, version, or OS compatibility.
  • Activate firmware updates, ensuring only production-ready builds are deployed.
  • Track the distribution status of firmware updates.
Backend Architecture
  • Built with .NET 7 as a REST API running on AWS EC2.
  • PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon RDS.
  • Scheduled Job feature to synchronize app user data with Shopify.
  • Secure handling of user data and integration with Shopify for unified user management.
BLE Integration
  • Enabled seamless communication between headphones and mobile apps for real-time updates.
  • Optimized data transfer protocols to ensure efficient and reliable firmware delivery.

Benefits and results

User convenience: The firmware update process is seamless, improving user satisfaction and device performance, with push notifications keeping users informed about updates.

Admin efficiency: A centralized admin panel simplifies firmware management and distribution, while Shopify integration streamlines user data management, connecting purchasers and app users.

Scalability: The modular architecture supports easy feature expansion and accommodates a growing user base.

Enhanced user experience: Simplified headphone pairing and guided firmware update processes enhance usability, while GDPR-compliant data privacy features ensure user trust.

The client received a robust, scalable firmware update system that enhances their product’s value. By integrating BLE technology with a sophisticated backend and admin panel, we ensured smooth and efficient firmware updates, boosting user satisfaction and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

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