Pikaba Seller iOS

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The Solution

Pikaba is an up-to-date platform for web and mobile devices that implements a reverse auction scenario for niche markets delivering various goods and services. Or in other words, this platform connects buyers and sellers, allows them to negotiate and provides them with everything to accomplish their deals.

Pikaba’s architecture comprises autonomous modules, which are easily scalable and it can be customized for any niche market, by simply adding, deleting or editing these modules. This platform comes with dozens of various features and a full-package administration panel which create unprecedented flexibility and functionality. Pikaba can serve not only as a social shopping website, but as a platform or mechanism, using which you can create your own marketplace. With this product you will have pretty much everything for the next big thing in commerce, both offline-local and online-mobile.

This is an iOS application for people, who want to sell goods in the Pikaba social shopping platform.

iPad, iPhone, iPod
Google Maps, MS SQL Server
Facebook API, Google API
Auction, Business, Deals, E-commerce, Social Commerce, Social Shopping
Service Provided

  • iOS client development
  • Server-side and back-end development
  • Software design and architecture
  • Graphic design
  • Deployment
  • Quality assurance

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